Apex Magazine – Issue 50 (July 2013)
Goblin Fruit (March 2011-December 2011)
Stone Telling #3: Whimsy (March 2011)
Stone Telling #2: Generations (December 2010)
Heliotrope Magazine, Issue 1 (August 2006)
Lone Star Stories, Issue 16 (August 2006)
Lone Star Stories, Issue 14 (April 2006)
Nominated for the Rhysling Award and the Pushcart Prize
Featured Poet for Flytrap, Issue 9
(June 2008)
Lessons cycle:
Lessons In Thermodynamics
Lessons In Architecture
Lessons In Petrology
Lessons In Horticulture
(Summer 2007)
The Immigrant
The Seven Devils of Central California (Rhysling Award Winner)
Goblin Fruit (Spring 2007)
Goblin Fruit (Winter 2007)
Goblin Fruit (Fall 2006)
Past the Rivers
The Journal of Mythic Arts (Summer/Autumn 2006)
The Child Bride of the Lost City of Ubar
(Nominated for the Rhysling Award.)
The Pedestal Magazine, Issue 32
(February 2006)
November Is a Silent Month
Featured poet for Goblin Fruit
(Spring 2008)
The Jeweler’s Wife
The Girl With Two Skins
Landscape With Girl And Clams
The Ballad of All the Things I Might Have Written
Featured poet for GrendelSong #2 (Magazine is now defunct.)
Blood Poem series:
Inhumed, Her Star-Staked Body Bloodless Lies
Glass, Blood, and Ash
An Intersection of Blood and Gold
How Comes This Blood Upon the Key?
An Issue of Blood
(Fall 2006)
The Inkmaker’s Wife
Anatomy of a Yes
(Print edition, out of print.)
(May 2006)
The Gardener and the Gravekeeper
Laura Hird’s Showcase (2008)
(Website is now defunct.)
Sedna, Submerged
Skadi in the Forest of Legs
Xelas Magazine
(Magazine is now defunct.)
In the Arms of the Purple-Swathed Muses (translation of Sappho fragment)
Notes from a Previous Tenant
(Out of print.)
The Cook’s Wife
Mythic Delirium #14
The Descent of the Corn Queen of the Midwest
(Featured Poem–nominated for the Rhysling Award and the Pushcart Prize.)
The Queen of Hearts
Mythic Delirium #13
The Queen of Hearts
Out of Print